What is Bariatric Surgery
Obesity surgery (bariatric surgery) is a good way to help people who are struggling with obesity lose weight. However, it may not be suitable for anyone who wants to lose weight. Bariatric surgery is not a decision without consideration.
You need to be fully prepared for the surgery and have a high motivation. When considering the surgery, you must have fully understood all the details, including the risks and benefits. You should be aware that you need to make long-term changes in your lifestyle and eating habits after surgery.
Bariatric surgery (weight loss surgery) is especially to help you lose weight. All the operations performed for obesity surgery are called bariatric surgery. Simply put, gaining weight depends on how much energy (calories) you have and how much energy your body uses.
If the amount of calories you receive is equal to the amount of energy your body uses, your weight remains constant.
The more calories you burn, the more you gain weight. Excess energy is converted to fat and stored in your body.
If you get less calories than you burn, you lose weight. Your body uses fat tanks to get the extra energy it needs.
The function of bariatric surgery can be as follows;
You can reduce the size of your stomach by reducing the amount of food you eat, so you eat more with less food and you start to lose weight.
By using bariatric surgery methods, the way your body uses the food you eat is bypassed and a portion of your bowel is bypassed.
The Body Mass Index (BMI) must be above 30 to determine whether you are eligible for any of the bariatric surgery methods. People with a BMI above 30 are at risk for obesity. At the same time, there should be no pregnancy for bariatric surgery, no severe eating disorders, no serious diseases, no excessive alcohol intake, and a stable psychological condition.