Esra Eryaman MD.
Ear, Nose, Throat Surgery
Esra Eryaman, MD.
E.N.T. Head and Neck Surgery
Birth Date : 23/10/1962
Birth Place : Istanbul
Foreign Languages: English, French, German (mediocre level)
Family : Married, one daughter
Hobbies : Tennis, winter ski, motorcycle driving
1992-1993 Haseki State Hospital, specialist in E.N.T Clinic
1993-1998 Okmeydanı State Hospital, specialist in E.N.T. Clinic
1994 Yale University / Connecticut / U.S.A.Worked as an observer in E.N.T Clinic and did laboratory work in microvascular surgery (Reconstruction of head and neck cancers by radial free flaps)
1999 Phonosurgery Course organisedby Prof.Bouchayer in Lyon/Fance
1999 Rhinoplasty Course in Chicago/U.S.A organised by American
Academy Plastic and Reconstruction Surgery in leadership of Prof. E. Tardy
1999-2003 Private Osmanoglu Hospital, Istanbul, as E.N.T. specialist
2004-2005 Private Medical Park Hospital, Istanbul (as a staff in surgery for the social security patients)
1995-2007 Private Office as E.N.T and head and neck surgeon in Levent, Istanbul
2006-2009 Private Mecidiyekoy Cevre Hospital ,Istanbul , as E.N.T specialist
2009-2012 Baskent University Istanbul Hospital, Assistant Professor
2013 Associate Professor title was granted by Turkish Interuniversity Council in 22nd of October 2013.
2012-2018 Private Mecidiyekoy Cevre Hospital as E.N.T specialist
2018-...... Private Osmanoglu Hospital
1973-1980 American Robert College (Private High school)
1979 Goethe Institute – Iserlohn – Germany / Advanced German Course
1980-1986 Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty
1982 Germany, Essen University Clinic, Internship in general surgery 1986-1988 Mandatory duty as general practitioner
1988-1990 Lyon / France / Claude Bernard University / ''Croix Rousse University Clinics and Lyon Sud ''University Clinics Residency in Ear, Nose and Throat, Head and Neck Surgery.
Enclosing the residency time in Turkey, with the written research “La Place des Larygectomies Partielles dans le Cancer du Larynx" receiving the ‘’Diplome Interuniversitaire de Specialisation’’
1990-1992 Haseki State Hospital as a resident in E.N.T., Istanbul. With the written research "The place of partial laryngectomies in larynx cancer’’ receiving the diploma in OtoRhinoLaryngology (E:N.T.)
Administrative Positions
2008-2009 Member of Turkish Ear Nose and Throat , Head and Neck Surgery Society Board of Directors
2010 -2012 Web Director of Turkish Ear Nose and Throat , Head and Neck Surgery Society
Member of Istanbul Ear Nose and Throat , Head and Neck Surgery Society Founder Board of directors
2010-2011 Member of Istanbul Ear Nose and Throat , Head and Neck Surgery Society Board of Directors