Hair Transplant
Speacialists strongly recommend FUE hair implant technique. FUE technique have been used for many years in hospitals and it’s the most chosen one nowadays The grafts are removed using a precision tool and then placed in the recipient area. There is no linear scar and no stitches are required, so your donor area will be minimally noticeable within just a few days.
Regularly hair transplant specialists perform 3000-4000 grafts (the area covered by your hand from forehead to your uphead approximately), but It could be more. The treatment system is all included in hair transplant procedure. That means, 2 nights accommodation with 1 companion, all needs for your hair (medicine and shampoo for 10 days), control consultation after the operation and transportation from airport to our hospital and again to airport after the operation.
The operation takes 5-7 hours approximately, 2nd day control consultation will be done by our specialists, 3rd day first washing will be made. Then you will have your medicine and shampoo and discharge.
Find out your hair loss type
FUE hair transplant technique
Hair is an important part of our faces that completes beauty. Its length, shortness and colour gives us many information. The loss one of them may have a significant effect in our lives both spiritually and physically.
What is FUE hair transplant?
This technique have been used for many years in hospitals and it’s the most chosen one nowadays.Taking from donor area (back of the neck,right and left side of the head) and put on the bald area of the head one by one with measured graphs is the performance.
How is It used?
First of all, by the help of doctors pre-observation and fixation pyhsical shape of the hair, its colour its opennes proportion, the donor and implantation area is decided. The hairs are removed from the donor area in a scattered format so its not possible to see any scars on it. While performing this technique there will be no cutting method instead needles named “punch” are used while the roots are in removal session. By opening new channels to the head, folicules are transsfered inside of it one by one.There will be no swelling,sticthes or ache after the operation.The implantation operation takes 7-8 hours and local anesthesia is used.
Do hair grow quickly?
It’s not possible to observe any quick elongation.The hairs start to grow in 3 months and after 7-8 months,the elongation process is complete.
Does any affusion is observed after the operation?
No affusion is seen if the operation is performed in right ways.The roots will grow as well as the others. There is no need to use any special treatment. You can cut your hair and give it a new colour easily.
Does everyone have this operation?
The operation can’t be performed to every person who has affusion.The person has to be above 18 years old. Also if a person has any radiotheraphy or chemotherapy treatment he/she can’t have this operation. It’s not valid for people that use hormonal drugs.
Why FUE hair transplant technique?
Minimal pain and suffering during the procedure.
Healing process is faster than the other techniques. Effects of the process is through after 10 days.
There is no sewing procedure with FUE (no scar, no wound).
More Frequent and intense implants with FUE.
The risk of swelling, bruising, swelling edema of the eyelids and forehead are minimum with FUE.
After the FUE procedure you can combing and cut your hair the way you want.
More graft implant is possible with FUE.
Growing phase of the hair
Our priority in our hospital is to meet the expectations of our patients in the most satisfying way, and provide them with top quality service while doing this by keeping the patient convenience above everything. We have been serving with an experienced and skilled staffs, accompanied by devices of state-of-the-art technology in our hair transplant unit.
Graft Growth
Graft growth accurs approximately in 1 year and exact results are attainde at the end of a year period. The following Schedule can help you in keeping track of the growth removal.
1st-6th Day After Operation
Some people can experience a slight swelling in the transplant area in a few days period following the operaiton. This, generally stars on the 3rd day and lasts until the 6th day (swelling does not usually ocur from necessary treatments). You experience a scaly affusion in the area where the hair follicles are taken in 5-7 days fallowing the surgery. Effects may vary according to the type of skin.
7th-10th Day After Operation
Your hairs grow 1-2mm, making your appearance beter. You can start the second week washing procedure to remove the scabs completely.
1st-3rd Month After Operation
Growing starts with a disctinctive sense of itching after a few weeks. Apparent acnes and annointments are completely normal. This new growth process. Some of the hair will look shorter on the bottom. It will start to grow with time.
5th-6th Month After Operation
A major part of the hair completes the growing phase after a period of 5-6 month following the operation procedure. Some parts of the hair can stil look thin, or as it’s under the skin. New hairs has a length of 2-3 cm and will start to thicken.
8-10 Month After Operation
Patient sees the remarkable change that will have accured in the tine will have been passed since the operation between 8th and 10th months. Hair is lengthened and thickened, in such a way that reveals a much beter look when compared to few months before.
1 Year After Operation
The patient has seen the results clearly in the first year following the operation. Although the change of the hair is to stil continue, an apparent success has been attained in 1 year. The hair will continue to grow and develop fort he rest of patients life. The patient is free to shape and cut his hair in the way he wants. Standard shampoos and hair caring products are usable.
The things should not do before and after the operation
Do not take anti-inflammatory pills such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Ecopirin, Alka-Seltzer etc. until 2 weeks before the surgery.
Do not use alcohol until 3 days before the surgery.
Notice your doctor If you have any chronic disease such as diabetes, heart disease, tuberculosis etc.
Do not take anti-clotting drugs (heperin, coumadin etc), beta blocker drugs, mao inhibitor drugs (Aurorix etc.) until a week before the surgery.
Do not apply any drugs to your scalp and your hair before the surgery
Wash your hair before the op and do not use hair gel or sprey after the surgery
Bring a adjustable hat. You will need it after the op.
Do not smoke tobacco 24 hours before the surgery and 3 days after the op If It’s possible. It will affect the healing process badly.
Do not drink coffee or drinks that include caffeine.
Do not take drugs that include B and E vitamins. It increases derm bleeding.
You can not drive 12 hours after the surgery. Bring a companion with you If you come by car.
Bring comfortable clothes which your hair not affect badly, such as shirts, front zippered sweat shirts etc.
Do not do hard works, sports activities etc. 3 weeks after the surgery. Avoid excessive excitement 3 days after the surgery. These activities increase blood flow to the scalp. Do not have sex 10 days after the surgery as well.
Beware from direct sun light 3 three months after the surgery. Otherwise wear hat to protect your scalp and hair.
Do not use alcohol while taking drugs
There might be slight tingles and bleeding your back of the neck after the surgery. Thats a normal effect of operation. But If it keeps going after a day of surgery, notice your doctor.