The procedure can be performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the width of the area on which liposuction is applied. Local anesthesia is appropriate for the narrow and limited areas of 10-15 cm. For the larger areas general anesthesia is applied.
It’s not a healthy application to do the surgery under conditions of a consulting room in order to lower the cost. Therefore liposuction shouldn’t be taken lightly and must be done in a hospital with proper equipment.
Before starting to the procedure, special solutions to reduce the bleeding are administered to area. Thus bleeding is either completely prevented or significantly reduced. This application also significantly reduces the pain after the surgery.
Surgeon opens holes on the skin with enough diameter to slid the cannula. Those holes are usually have 3 -5 mm diameter and on invisible places such as fold of the skin or under bikini.
Surgeon closes them at the end of the procedure with a few small sutures. Since I open the holes on the invisible places, prominence of these holes is gradually faded. There may be mild pain on the first day following the surgery and that’s normal. You can walk with a little help 2 -3 hours after the surgery.
If you haven’t gone under other surgeries except liposuction and is the liposuction area isn’t too large you can be discharged at the evening of that day. Otherwise it would be for your benefit to stay at least 1 day at the hospital. You won’t feel pain during resting. You feel mild pain only if you press on the area where the liposuction was applied or when you get up and sit down. You can able to walk without support after 1 day and in a few days you will recover enough to take a short trip. You can take a bath 2 -3 days after the surgery. After a few days you can do your job by yourself or get back to your job if it’s not a heavy and tiresome one or take a flight. Within 5-7 days you will able to do any activity provided that they shouldn’t be tiresome or long lasting.
It’s better to get back your daily life as soon as possible in order not feel the side effects of the liposuction procedure. It may takes 2-3 weeks to start working. You have to stay away from swimming etc. For 15 days for healing of holes. You can swim after 15 days.